08:45 – 09:15:
Welcoming morning program
09:15 – 09:25:
Introduction by the Chairman Dirk Willem Rosie and the managing partner of Schelstraete Lawyers & founder of EUAEL Luc Schelstraete
09:25 – 10:30:
Do’s and don’ts in International Horse Deals
09:25 - 09:50: Contractual tips and tricks by Piotr Wawrzyniak from Schelstraete Lawyers, The Netherlands
09:50 - 10:30: The position of the agent in horse deals from German perspective by Dr. Burkart Fischer from Berner Fischer & Partner, Germany
10:30 - 10:45:
Coffee break
10:45 – 11:20:
VAT in the Equine Industry by Rudolf Kaarsemaker
11:20 – 11:40:
Non-Conformity and Lack of Horsemanship by Luc Schelstraete from Schelstraete Lawyers, The Netherlands
11:40 – 12:40:
Cross boarder Litigation in Horse Deals
11:40 - 12:00: International private law in EU perspective by Agnieszka Kalinowska and Anita Garnuszek from Lex Hippica, Poland
12:00 - 12:20: International private law in Lugano perspective by Dr. Monika Gattiker from Lanter, Switzerland
12:20 - 12:40: Execution of foreign judgements by Vincent Zitman from Schelstraete Lawyers, The Netherlands
12:40 – 13:30:
Lunch break
13:00 – 13:30:
Welcoming afternoon program
13:30 – 14:00:
How to protocol doping material at sale and purchase?
Short introduction by Luc Schelstraete from Schelstraete Lawyers, The Netherlands
Introduction in doping control and sports perspective by Emma Waters from Morgan Sports Law, UK & New York
Classification on the FEI Equine Prohibited Substance List by Lisa Lazarus from Morgan Sports Law, UK & New York
14:00 – 14:45:
How to protocol pre-purchase vetting, contractual agreements?
Introduction in veterinary perspective by Mette Uldahl, FEI National Head Veterinarian for Denmark and President of FEEVA, and Malcolm Morley, council member of the British Equine Veterinary Association and chairing their Pre Purchase Examination Committee.
Introduction in legal perspective by Luc Schelstraete from Schelstraete Lawyers, The Netherlands
14:45 – 15:00:
Coffee break
15:00 – 17:30:
Does your horse survive the pre-purchase vetting? Recent developments in legal and veterinary perspective
Introduction by Cecilia Tholse Rogmark from Gulliksson, Sweden & Luc Schelstraete from Schelstraete Lawyers, The Netherlands
Panel discussion moderated by the Chairman Dirk Willem Rosie: proponents and opponents
Morning program: €42,50 (VAT included) coffee, thee and water included
Afternoon program: €42,50 (VAT included) coffee, thee, water and soft drinks included
Complete program: €70,00 (VAT included) coffee, thee, water and soft drinks (afternoon) included
Lunch: €17,50 (VAT included)
Excluding parking fees
Galloway room 1931 congress center
Address: Oude Engelenseweg 1
5222 AA 's-Hertogenbosch
Click here for the route (via Google maps)